- You don’t know where to start from.
- You are scared.
- You think it’s too complicated.
- You think it’s expensive.
- You think you need a motorcycle license.
- You think it’s dangerous.
- You know nothing about Vietnam.
- You have many questions without answers.
- You are fed up of dreaming and you want to act.
- You would like to have real advice based on a real experience.
Don’t worry, I’ve been in your shoes too!
- I didn’t know where to start from.
- I lost a lot of time doing searches.
- I was scared to make a mistake by doing this trip with no experience at all about riding a motorbike.
- I thought it was complicated to learn how to ride a motorbike being a beginner.
- I thought this trip on a motorbike in Vietnam would cost me a lot of money.
- I thought I needed a motorcycle license.
- I thought it could be dangerous to travel alone on a motorbike in Vietnam.
- I thought I wouldn’t like Vietnam.
- I had so many questions but nobody to answer them.
- I was fed up to see other people taking action while I kept dreaming without taking action.

That’s me, Cynthia and, like you, before living my incredible adventure in Vietnam, I had never rode a motorbike before!
And yet, I made my dream come true by travelling on a motorbike in Vietnam, alone, during one month through almost 3400 km/2110 miles in July 2015! I loved it so much that I did it again in November/December 2016 and January 2017 by riding more than 3200 km in the northern part of the country! Thanks to my struggles, my questions without answers and my experience based on more than 6600 km/4100 miles on a motorbike across Vietnam, I created this digital guide NotMad to allow YOU to make YOUR dream come true having all the useful info.
So be sure that you too will be able to travel on a motorbike in Vietnam! Your dream will come true and I’m giving you this chance thanks to my guide NotMad. I save you months or maybe years of doubts and I-will-see-later moments so you can finally go ahead with all the necessary info in hand. For me, the motorbike goes with freedom and adventure but it’s also the best way to stay close to the nature and to meet incredible people.
For all these reasons, today I give you a chance to discover my guide NotMad which will help you travelling on a motorbike in Vietnam without struggling like I did… Thanks to my experience on the ground, I could gather every detail that is useful and necessary to prepare and live a unique adventure on a motorbike in Vietnam.
I rode more than
6600 km/4100 miles across Vietnam,
on a motorbike, alone, although
I had never ridden a motorbike before!
My route on a motorbike in Vietnam
(± 6600 km/4100 miles between July 2015
+ Nov./Dec. 2016 and Jan. 2017)

The motorbike
is the best way to
REALLY discover Vietnam off the beaten track!
And Vietnamese people will keep on telling you that!

But what is in NotMad?
NotMad is a digital guide of 88 pages in a .pdf format that I entirely wrote and made thanks to my own experience riding a motorbike. NotMad gathers all the useful information to plan your trip on a motorbike in Vietnam and live the most beautiful adventure of your life!
- All the details about how to buy your motorbike: where, how, why, how much…
- All the equipment you need: the basic to enjoy your trip safely.
- All my advice about how to maintain and fix your motorbike.
- My routes suggestions, info about the regulation and my warning about the dangers.
- All the tips to know how to sell your motorbike (you will sell it thanks to my tips, trust me!).
- My detailed budget including the motorbike repairs, the accommodation, the meals, etc.
- Details about what you will need in your backpack (some things are really essential).
- My detailed maps (based on my routes and with my comments).
- The « not to be missed » according to my experience (and I suggest you dirt roads completely off the beaten track).
- Mistakes to avoid (there are a few and you should take them seriously!).
- Bonuses: local vocabulary, tips, personal experiences and stories…

Thanks to NotMad, you will save time and money to plan your trip on a motorbike in Vietnam!

What they think about NotMad:
While backpacking in South East Asia I met this French girl-Cynthia in Sapa (North of Vietnam). She was travelling across Vietnam on motorbike “Honda win” white color.She was not just travelling to see places infact,was in the process of writing her guide called “NotMad”. Meeting her was the turning point in my travel,she inspired and motivated me and the very next day I rented a motorbike and decided to travel north of Vietnam on motorbike. I assumed it would be something very tricky and risky, but once you are on it ,it’s simple & easy.There is a different aura, which you will have when you are on a motorbike all by yourself getting lost and finding yourself on those roads. The freedom the excitement is phenomenal. If not Vietnam then which country? Cynthia has done a great job by coming up with this guide,which will make life simpler for many travellers. Honestly, sharing even though Vietnam is known for travelling on motorbike there is hardly any reliable information available. Little that ,I know Cynthia she is someone who pours her heart and soul in what she does; NotMad would be great piece of information,route and guide to all adventure and motorbike junkies out there! Needless to mention, Cynthia has also triggered me, I may ride India on Royal Enfield motorbike..
The NotMad Guide for a motorcycle tour through Vietnam is simply amazing. You get lots of information around Vietnam as well what’s handy even when you don’t travel on the motorbike all the time! Thanks Cynthia for encouraging people to such amazing trips!
Do you really want to keep spending your time in front of your computer
looking at other people’s pictures who are travelling on a motorbike in Vietnam
while you are at home thinking:
« Oh, I wish I could do it too! »?
Don’t forget that NotMad is FREE, forever. It will make you the owner of a very unique guide including information that you will never find unless you have lived the experience yourself, like I did!
Get ready to live one of the most beautiful adventures of your life!
The NotMad guide is free
More info about Cynthia
Cynthia is the founder of NotMad. She’s a passionate traveller who loves and appreciates life. She’s always ready to go on an adventure and, above all, she loves sharing with the people she meets.
She has decided to create NotMad after her incredible motorbike journey through Vietnam, on her own, even though she had never rode a motorbike before.
Like all the adventurers, her dream came true because she made it happen by learning how to ride a motorbike in the crazy traffic of Ho Chi Minh City.
The next day, she went on her amazing trip, by herself, riding around 3400 km/2110 miles! This one-month trip has inspired Cynthia to give birth to the travel guide on a motorbike in Vietnam: NotMad.
In November 2016, she went back to Vietnam, alone, and she rode more than 3200 km/1990 miles extra in the northern part of the country.
In other words, NotMad gathers specific information based on the founder’s experience.
More info about Cynthia and her travels on her blog (in French), on her website